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Window Configuration
The actions in this window determine the working mode in the project we are working on. CivilCAD software can set these settings permanently for each new project opened so that we do not need to do this each time unless we want to change these settings. Setting the configurations for all new projects will be done by changing the settings in the Prototype project.
To open the window, click on File → Configuration from the main toolbar. This window consists of 4 screens that can be navigated using the buttons located at the top of the window. We will explain the actions in this window according to the order of the screens:
General settings
Language - Choosing the language. CivilCAD works in different languages. This value determines the language in reports and in the DXF files generated by the software.
System of units - Choosing the measurement system. Metric for the metric system, English for the English system (feet).
Angle's units – Choosing the angle measurement system.
Printout font's size - This value determines the size of the text in the reports generated by the software.
Auto launch - Setting the graphical working environment. In this option, you can choose the type of software to use as the drafting environment for CivilCAD.
Auto Save - Automatic saving at regular intervals. Check this option and define the desired time (in minutes) for automatic saving.
Save Backup - Saving a project in multiple versions: Check this option, and select the location where the project versions will be saved by clicking on the square at the end of the line. Define the number of versions to save. The default is 3 versions. If you define 3 versions and save for the fourth time, the oldest version will be overwritten, and the current version will be saved in its place. The versions will be saved in *.ZIP format. To load a project saved as a Backup, go to the main menu, activate: File → Extract from zip, select the desired file, and click 'Open'.
Note: To set automatic saving for each new project, perform the above setting in the Prototype project.
Drawing environment
2D/3D Work state - When we want the software to create three-dimensional lines, select the 3D work state option. In this case, the Dwg file created by the software will have a larger volume. Alternatively, in the 2D work state, the software will create lines without height. These settings only affect the display of lines and not the software calculations.
Blocks mode - Working mode with blocks. Selecting this option allows for project work with blocks. For more information on this topic, see the Blocks work chapter.
Standard mode - Text working mode. Selecting this option allows for project work with text only.
Purge all when refreshing - Deleting unnecessary layers. When this option is selected, every time you click on Refresh or Refresh all, all unnecessary layers will be deleted, including layers not related to the software.
Global scale - Changing this value will set a constant font size for the entire software (according to the scale).
DXF File's format - Changing this value will determine the format of the DXF files generated by the software in windows such as longitudinal sections, transverse sections, drawing from the three-dimensional window, etc.
Do not reverse section´s labels (Hebrew mode only) - When working in Hebrew, the software reverses the labels in the various section drawings so that they are displayed in Hebrew. In certain cases, we may not want the software to do this, so we select this option. (For example, when the ACAD software is installed with software that already reverses the Hebrew labels, then each time the section is loaded, we will receive "reversed reversal" if we did not select this option.)
Coordinates format
Dis file format - Setting the file format - dis. When importing or exporting a dis file, the software reads it according to the setting in this option. For example: if next to the xstart and xend labels - the values 1 and 11 appear, then when importing a DIS file, the software will read from these columns in the file the X parameter, and so on for the other parameters defined here.
Code columns - Location of codes in the coordinates list. This value determines the column range in the coordinates list where the codes will be displayed when working with codes in the project.
New points counter - Setting point names. When entering new points into the list by selecting them on the drawing itself, the software automatically numbers them. Next to the Start counting from label, we can enter the number from which we want the automatic numbering to start. If the Auto names option is selected, the software will create points according to the number of points in the list. That is, each point will receive a name according to its position in the list, and it will be assigned the letter T or D according to the list it is in (Topography or Design).
Coordinate's length - Coordinate length:
Max 10 digits - i.e., 6 digits to the left of the decimal point.
Max 11 digits - i.e., 7 digits to the left of the decimal point.
Files settings
File's paths - Setting the default folders of the software.
Project’s files - Default folder for opening or saving projects.
Coordinate’s files - Default folder for opening or saving coordinate files.
Distomat’s files - Default folder for opening or saving distomat files in the distomat window.
Save/Load from text file format - When saving the coordinates list in text format, we can choose in advance which format the software will save by selecting the device to which we want to transfer the file or from which we want to read.