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Earthworks - Additional tools
Calculation of earthworks using the triangles method
You can calculate volumes of earthworks using the triangles method as well. That means calculating volumes based on the triangulation of surfaces without creating a grid of squares as in the classic method. To do this, first ensure that you have created two surfaces in the project, and their planned height lines are planned on existing height lines as needed.
Activate the main menu toolbar: Earthworks → Triangles. A window for calculating triangles will open on the right.
Select the desired surfaces for calculation and click the Apply button in the opened window. The software will calculate and display the grid of triangles on the drawing. For each triangle, the software will display a serial number and the differences between the existing and planned heights at its ends. A report showing the area and volume of excavation and fill for each such triangle will accompany the drawing.
The grid of triangles will be built based on the height points and the planned contour lines. At each triangle corner, a drafting layer of the triangle grid will be obtained in addition to the layer of the planned height points.
Further actions possible in the window
Additional height to the planned surface - Add dH to: - In this field, you can enter an additional height for the desired surface (in meters), so the report will be calculated accordingly. To decrease the height, enter a negative number (for example, "-1.05"). The advantage here lies in the speed of execution - the software will not change the heights of the planned points in the project but will calculate the quantities and display the report accordingly to the entered change.
Stripping depth - For projects with excavation on the working area. Enter the excavation depth (in meters), while separating the excavation depth for the excavation area (.Cut ar) and the excavation depth for the fill area (.Fill ar). For projects with excavation only in one of the areas, enter 0 (or leave the field blank) for the desired area. The software will calculate the quantities according to the entered excavation, where the excavation depth in excavation will reduce the excavation amount, and the excavation depth in the fill will add to the fill amount.
Adding a volume table to the drawing - Allows adding a volume table to the drawing at the desired location. To perform the operation, follow these steps:
Click the button.
Move to the drawing area and place the table at the desired location.
Click to set the table. A yellow frame will appear on the drawing where the table will be located.
For a different location, move to the new area and click again.
Once you have chosen the desired location, enter "S" in the ACAD command line. The yellow frames will be deleted, and the table will be placed in the selected location.
Note: These actions are possible only after calculating the report, as explained at the beginning of the chapter. And for a regular report, go through the following steps to place it on the drawing.
Grid display settings - Options - Clicking the button will open the grid display settings window. For details on the operation protocol, see below.
Creating contours for earthworks (including the "0" line)
The "0 line" is the line that separates the excavation area from the fill area in the project site. Displaying this line on the plan allows for clear differentiation between the different areas. Earthworks height lines are the height lines + or - relative to the "0 line". The CivilCAD software allows drawing these lines for projects where earthworks were calculated using one of two methods - calculation by surfaces and calculation by model to model. Therefore, before using this function, ensure that the calculation process was successful.
We will go over the workflow steps for creating these lines:
Activate from the main menu toolbar: Earthworks → Contours. A window for creating planned height lines will open on the right.
The default setting for the height lines spacing in the window is 100 m (see the Intervals field). That means, for most projects where the height differences between excavation and fill do not exceed 100 m (which is most projects, naturally), the software will create only the "0 line".
Click Apply to obtain the height lines. These will be calculated and drawn in a new layer.
The operations in the window and additional uses
Changing the intervals of the contours lines so that additional earthworks height lines are created for the "0 line" - Enter the desired spacing in the Intervals field (for example, 1 meter), and click Apply. The software will create a new layer for the calculated lines. Note that the "0 line" will be preserved in a separate layer.
Automatic height labeling - Auto elevations - The default setting of the software is automatic height labeling on the height lines. Removing the checkmark ✅ from the field will cancel this action. To add height labels manually, see the Pick action.
Brackets for height labels - Barracks - This field allows displaying the earthworks height lines with brackets or without brackets.
Height Label Format - "Format “#.##” – Height labeling on elevation lines in a format of two digits after the decimal point. For example, the height "1" will appear as "1.00".
Zero Line Highlighting - Doubled (0) - This option will cause the zero line to appear as a bold line.
Height Label Size Adjustment - Scale - The size of the height labels on the elevation lines (text size) is determined by the factor appearing in the field above.
Manual Elevation Labeling on Elevation Lines - Pick - To add elevation labels at desired points on the drawing, select the "Pick" field, move to the drawing area, and mark a line that intersects the elevation lines at the desired location for the height label. The software will add heights at the intersection points between the drawn line and the elevation lines. You can continue to add heights as desired. To finish the operation, press Esc on the ACAD command line.
Note: All the above operations (except Pick operations) require a re-run of earthwork line segments (clicking Apply in the window) to see their effect.
Creating an Earthwork Balancing Grid
The option to calculate earthwork in a balancing grid method is possible both when calculating volumes "by surface method" and when calculating volumes "by model-to-model method". The method allows obtaining a grid of volume points, at desired intervals. The calculation and display method here is very similar to the volume calculation method learned in the volume calculation chapter by the model-to-model method, but differs in two main points:
Grid Display Method
The earthwork balancing grid can be created in any desired direction, while a volume grid can only be created in the north direction.
We will go over the steps to build the balance grid:
First, make sure that two areas have been successfully created for the current and planned states.
Activate from the main menu toolbar: Earthworks → Grid. On the right, a window for creating an earthwork balancing grid will open.
In the Grids steps field, enter the desired spacing in the X direction and the desired spacing in the Y direction (default is 10X10).
Define the boundaries of the grid - Define the dimensions of the window in which the grid will be created using three points: two points that will define the base of the window and a third point that will define the height of the window. In the right window, you will see the coordinates (X and Y) of the three boundary points of the coordinate grid, where Base first and Base second are the base points, and End corner is the closing point. There are tow methods for defining the grid window:
Enter the coordinates of the grid definition points in the respective fields.
Use Select - Create a Polyline that marks the bottom right edge of the desired frame (in a J shape). Start drawing the line from the bottom left corner of the frame, move to the bottom right corner, and then to the top right corner. Now you have a J shape that marks the bottom and right edge of the desired frame. Now, click Select, select the Polyline you created, and press Enter. The coordinates of the frame will be entered into the fields.
Click Apply in the right window.
The software will create a coordinate grid based on the existing settings. The grid will be perpendicular to the baseline, with each corner of the grid showing the existing planned height and the difference between them (provided there are planning data at these points). Each square in the grid will be numbered in ascending order, and each square will display excavation and fill volumes. A detailed report will accompany the grid, showing the excavation and fill volumes for each square, with partial concentration of the calculation and a summary of the total volumes calculated.
Note: This calculation is based on the average calculation of the square corners in order to obtain a more accurate calculation, mark the "Use accurate system" option.
Additional Window Operations and Uses
Stripping depth - The fields of the excavation are intended for a project where excavation exists in the work area. Enter the excavation depth (in meters), while distinguishing between excavation depth for the excavation area (.Cut ar) and excavation depth for the fill area (.Fill ar). For a project where excavation exists only for one of the areas, enter 0 (or leave the field empty) for the desired area. The software will calculate the quantities accordingly, with excavation depth in excavation reducing the excavation quantity, and excavation depth in fill adding to the fill quantity.
Adding a Volume Table to the Drawing - This action allows adding a volume report to the drawing at a desired location. After clicking the button, move to the drawing area and place the table where desired. A yellow frame will appear on the drawing where the table will be placed. For a different location, move to the new area and click again with the mouse. After selecting the desired location, enter "S" in the ACAD command line. The yellow frames you created will be deleted, and the report will be placed in the selected location.
Define the Grid Boundaries for Each Project Area - Clicking the button will enter the project boundaries as the grid boundaries in the corresponding fields.
Deleting Grid Definition Fields - Clicking Delete will clear the grid fields.
The explanation for buttons 4 and 5 describes another function for this window:
Creating a List of Coordinates of a Rotated Grid - This option allows obtaining a list of coordinates of any grid when the base line and the grid height are known. This option is very useful for calculating grid coordinates, even without regard to earthwork tasks. To create a list of coordinates, follow these steps:
Define the grid spacing and boundaries.
Click on button 4 (Topo). The software will add to the existing list of coordinates (the list in the window - Topography coordinates), the coordinates of the grid points defined. To instruct the creation of points in the planned coordinates list (Designed coordinates), click button 5 (Design).
Click Refresh (in the main toolbar) to receive the list of points on the drawing.
Settings for the balance grid display (Options) - Clicking the button will open the balance grid display settings window. See below for a detailed description of the operations.
Options Window
The Functions in the Triangle Display Options Window
Scale - Setting the Text Size: In this field, you can define the size of the text for both the triangle grid and the volume report table on the drawing. To change the displayed size, click the small arrow button to the right of the field and select the new size. The numbers shown represent a specific factor: the larger the factor, the larger the text size.
Note: The text size will not change immediately. Click OK to confirm the change, and then recalculate (Apply button) in the main window. To create a new volume report table, repeat the appropriate action.
Designed Elevations: Displays the planned elevations at the triangle corners. Removing the check mark ("V") from the field will remove these elevation displays.
Barracks: Displays the planned elevations in parentheses.
Topo. Elevations: Displays the existing ground elevations at the triangle corners. Removing the check mark ("V") from the field will remove these elevation displays.
Barracks: Displays the existing ground elevations in parentheses.
Height Intervals: Displays the difference between the planned and existing elevations at the triangle corners. Removing the check mark ("V") from the field will remove these difference displays.
OK/Cancel: Confirm/Cancel the changes made in the settings.
The Functions in the Balance Grid Settings Window (from the Options window):
Scale - Setting the Text Size: In this field, you can define the size of the text for both the volume grid and the placement of the volume report table on the drawing. To change the displayed size, click the small arrow button to the right of the field and select the new size. The displayed size is a specific factor: the larger the factor, the larger the text size.
Note: The text size will not change immediately. Click OK to confirm the change, and then recalculate (Apply button) in the main window. To create a new volume report table on the drawing, follow the instructions in section 5 above.Volumes: Displays volumes within the grid. Each square in the volume grid shows the square number and its cut and fill volume. Removing the check mark ("V") from this field will remove the volume text from the drawing, leaving only the square number. The accompanying quantity report will not change.
Designed Elevations: Displays the planned elevation at each corner of the grid. Removing the check mark ("V") from this field will remove the planned elevation display.
Barracks: Displays the planned elevation in parentheses.
Topo. Elevations: Displays the existing elevation at each corner of the grid. Removing the check mark ("V") from this field will remove the existing elevation display.
Barracks: Displays the existing elevation in parentheses.
Height Intervals: Displays the height difference between the existing and planned elevations at the grid corners. Removing the check mark ("V") from this field will remove the height difference display.